Thursday, February 26, 2009

"The Vision is Green"

Sarah Jo Lambert, a 15 year old girl from Lubbock, Texas, is working towards her Gold Medal Award in Girl Scouts through her project "The Vision is Green".  Her vision is to build green environmental center at the Rio Blanco Girl Scout camp in Crosbyton, Texas.  The center will be a place that students from the Texas South Plains can come to learn about environmental issues and ways that they can be more environmentally friendly.  Sarah has been working on this project since last fall and she hopes to have the building complete by this May.  Through her project, Sarah has brought her community together and has inspired girls all over the country to realize that one seedling of an idea, when given proper care and attention, can blossom into a garden for future generations to enjoy!
To help Sarah kick off the building of the environmental center, we traveled to Lubbock to provide a workshop on Leave No Trace and the PEAK program.  Sarah was awarded the "Packing With PEAK" grant and will be using the PEAK pack as a basis for the educational curriculum as well as an interpretive trail guide at the environmental center. Sarah hopes to encourage young children to start thinking about ways that they can help take care of our planet and make a difference for the future.  To learn more about Sarah's project, visit her website at! 
A special thanks goes out to the Lambert family for their warmth and hospitality!!!
Safe travels...Kate and Tracy

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a nice surprise to see this on your page. You guys are incredible and our family was blessed to have had the chance to meet you. Thanks again for everything. You know that you are always welcome at our home!
    Maureen, Matt and Sarah Jo.
