Lew Shelley, New Hampshire state advocate, for the second consecutive year hosted a Leave No Trace Trainer course out of
Student Conservation Association (SCA) headquarters in Charlestown, NH. We appreciate Lew's dedication to the Leave No Trace program and his efforts to continue to get staff trained from the SCA.
The course began at headquarters, then we travelled to Pilsbury State Park for the remainder of the course. During the Leave What You Find lesson, we encouraged course participants to get in touch with their artistic sides and write a poem. Sue beautifully scripted a poem that included each participants 'nature name' from the previous day.
The inspiration of a vista, a panorama, or a cloud
Help me feel the beauty of falling rain
to hear the splendor of a waterfall
to see the wonder of a trout
and to touch the life of a forest
Well said Sue! All five participants brought a creative energy to the course and we had many many thoughtful discussions. It is truly amazing to work with a group of people so dedicated to education and we know that these five people will do great work as Leave No Trace Trainers. Thanks for an awesome course!
Happy Adventuring...Kate and Tracy